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Moving picture production on AWS - LOGIC expands expertise

LOGIC media solutions has further deepened its competencies in the area of moving picture production on AWS in additional qualification processes and achieved further certifications. In the LOGIC team, further employees are now Certified Cloud Practitioner, Certified Solution Architect or Certified Developer for AWS. As a long-standing partner of AWS Elemental, LOGIC has access to comprehensive knowledge of AWS MediaServices, which the company implements in many projects with customers. LOGIC's focus here is both on the optimal use of the services provided by AWS and on the development of front-ends for AWS Elemental, which greatly facilitate the operation of AWS MediaServices and enable new production methods.

For this purpose, LOGIC has established the PORTAL Framework under whose umbrella PORTAL Technology forms the framework for workflows and frontends around hybrid media systems and IT infrastructures on AWS. The goal of LOGIC's certification and developments is always to make moving image production in AWS as easy as possible and to establish new production workflows for customers and to generate optimization and added value.


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